School Name: Beck International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program - Gateway to Technology
Website address of school:
Street Address: Woodruff Road (864) 355-1400City, State, Zip: Greenville, SC 29607, 864-355-1400 County: Greenville Type of 3D printers and number of printers: Makerbot Replicator 2 Other information on the school: How did the school learn about us? TV news article Principal name: Mrs. Jennifer MeistenPrincipal email address: [email protected] Principal phone number; Technical contact name: Paula Watts, Fine Arts Technical contact email address: [email protected] Technical contact phone number: 864-355-1437 Other contact people name and email address: |
Experience of staff with printers and other technology:
What does the school want us to help with? Teach them how to use the printer? Just teach them how to print and assemble the hands and about eNABLE? Other technologies? History of our contact and visits with the school. Newest information first. Include your name. March 17 - Fay send second email. Feb. 23 - Fay heard from Paula that she is still interested and will be sending us some meeting times. Assigned to Bob Choban, Fay Choban, Nick Hollingshad. |