Hacking the Mind Through Magic
Researchers in Neuroscience are beginning to learn that magicians have been using the foibles of our neurological systems to hide their “method.” This offers an opportunity to introduce basic neuroscience in an entertaining way.
Glossary of terms for Illusions
Concepts demonstrated include:
Free Will Prediction Card
French Drop Coin Illusion
Needle Through Balloon
Spiral Illusion
Princess Card Illusion
Glossary of terms for Illusions
Concepts demonstrated include:
- Neuron function and structure,
- Optical and “physics” illusions,
- Cognitive illusions,̈
- Bottom up and Top down illusions,
- Attention management and misdirection,
- Multi tasking and interference
Free Will Prediction Card
French Drop Coin Illusion
Needle Through Balloon
Spiral Illusion
Princess Card Illusion