school Name: Hughes Academy of science and technology
Website address of school:
Street Address: 22 DeOyley Ave City, State, Zip: Greenville, SC 29605 (864) 355-6200 County: Greenville Type of 3D printers and number of printers: 2 Makerbot Replicator Other information on the school: How did the school learn about us? Fox news program Principal name: Dr. Andy Hooker Principal email address: [email protected] Principal phone number: Technical contact name: Chris Taber Technical contact email address: [email protected] Technical contact phone number: 355-6292 Other contact people name and email address: Marsha Patry, Magnet Coordinator [email protected] Phone (864) 355-6224 |
Experience of staff with printers and other technology: Chris seems to have a pretty good understanding of how to use the printer.
What does the school want us to help with? Print hands, writing a curriculum for all grades and many different types of classes. Teach them how to use the printer? Just teach them how to print and assemble the hands and about eNABLE? Other technologies? Some interest in other technologies. History of our contact and visits with the school. Newest information first. Include your name. Feb. 22 - Fay borrowed hand to Marsh for a parent curriculum meeting they were having on Feb. 23. She said Chris just has the gauntlet to print so hopefully will be able to meet with him soon. Feb. 13 - Chris is printing hand parts and all other supplies have been ordered. He will contact us when he is ready to assemble the hand. Feb. 13, 2015 met with Fay, Bob and Tom met at the school with Chris, Dr. hooker, Marsha, people from district media, engineers from GE who donated the printers and a large group of students to work with the students in four groups sketch the hand print fingers and discuss printer with GE engineer use the software and discuss with GE engineer learn about amniotic band syndrome |