school Name: Ralph Chandler Middle School
Website address of school:
Street Address: 4231 Fork Shoals Road City, State, Zip, Phone: Simpsonville, SC 29680 864-452-0300 County: Greenville Type of 3D printers and number of printers: Makerbot Replicator 2X Other information on the school: A STEAM type school. Good school ratings. How did the school learn about us? Fox News Story Principal name: Rita Mantooth Principal email address: Principal phone number: Technical contact name: Jackie Kelly, Gateway to Technology Educator Technical contact email address: [email protected] Technical contact phone number: 864-452-0349 Jackie Kelly website Other contact people name and email address: |
Experience of staff with printers and other technology: Makerbot Replicator2X. Donated by 3M. Teacher has almost no experience with the printer but is very excited. Has done a few small prints.
What does the school want us to help with? Printing hands but also very interested in printing and building a quad copter and car and the Doodler 2 3D pen. Want us to bring what we can when we meet with them next in late April. Teach them how to use the printer? Our help will be appreciated. Just teach them how to print and assemble the hands and about eNABLE? Other technologies? Yes - Doodler, quadcopters, car. History of our contact and visits with the school. Newest information first. Include your name. They have all the information to print test fingers, email us photos and then print 2 hands at 125%. She is going to get the supply kits for the first two hands. March 13 Fay, Bob and Tom went for the initial visit. Met with Jackie the teacher, a couple parents and about a dozen of the robotics students, mostly 6th graders. Excellent group of kids. Just one a robotics competition so they showed us their robot. Can't believe what these kids are doing.l |