Website address of school:
Street Address: 901 Woodruff Road (864) 355-1400City, State, Zip: Greenville, SC 29607, 864-355-1400 County: Greenville Type of 3D printers and number of printers: Makerbot Replicator 2 Other information on the school: How did the school learn about us? TV news article Principal name: Mrs. Jennifer MeistenPrincipal email address: [email protected] Principal phone number; Technical contact name: Paula Watts, Fine Arts Technical contact email address: [email protected] Technical contact phone number: 864-355-1437 Other contact people name and email address:
3/28/2015 06:25:19 am
March 26, 2015 - Fay, Bob and Tom met with Paula Watts. They have an old Cube printer, working order is unknown. Very interested, wants to talk to her Principal who she says is very creative and supportive to see how to proceed. Only 9 weeks left of school year. Maybe we come out all day and give presentations to all the kids and teachers? Interested in finding donor to get printer but doesn't know how to do that. Has a list of grants but has never written one. Fay checking sources to see if STEM Upstate can help. They are a special needs school so have several deaf students, students in wheel chairs, etc.
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